The telematics service Connecta® provides a wireless connection between machines,
between machines and other systems, between machines and people.
Bitstreams products are designed to interact together with the most sophisticated interactive systems
available in the market today and tomorrow - WAP, GSM, BluetoothTM, or even sattelite communication amongst others.
Any machinery can be integrated with information processing systems via wireless communication.
Your machine/equipment in one end and Your mobile or computer in the other.
The Bitstream solution in the middle. Communication in both directions.
Receive information from or send instructions to Your machine/equipment.
Connecta consists of a number of components, developed by Bitstream.
"Bitstream Interconnect Module" is a hardware interface with a number of general
inputs and outputs, together with a modem for wireless communication e.g. GSM.
The user interface in the other end may be a web browser or a cellular phone,
for reading data and controlling units through the wireless link.